Stručno-znanstveni časopis Glasilo Future ~ The Professional and Scientific Journal Glasilo Future

Branka Stipanović

Glasilo Future Volumen 1 broj 5-6 prosinac 2018. / Gazette Future Volume 1 number 5-6 December 2018

Objavljeno 31. prosinca 2018. godine. / Published on December 31, 2018.

ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)


Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)


Stavovi maslinara o podizanju konkurentnosti maslinarstva u Dalmaciji u kontekstu ARISTOIL projekta

Attitudes of olive growers in Dalmatia region about competiveness growth in context of ARISTOIL project

Str./Pp. 13-27


Branka Stipanović


U istraživanju je analizirana uloga ARISTOIL projekta u podizanju konkurentnosti maslinarstva u dalmatinskim županijama te su analizirani stavovi maslinara o ciljevima projekta ARISTOIL. Također je istraženo jesu li stavovi maslinara o ciljevima ARISTOIL projekta uvjetovani sociodemografskim profilom; konkretno dobnom i obrazovnom strukturom te lokacijom (županijom) u kojoj posluju. U istraživanju su korišteni sekundarni i primarni podatci. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je proces informiranja i educiranja maslinara o provedbi ARISTOIL projekta nužno prilagoditi postojećoj obrazovnoj strukturi da bi se optimizirala provedba ciljeva projekta.

Ključne riječi: poljoprivreda, maslinarstvo, ARISTOIL.


The research analyzes the attitudes of olive oil producers towards the role of the ARISTOIL project in raising the competitiveness of olive growing in the Dalmatian counties. It has also been investigated whether the attitude of the olive oil producers about the objectives of the ARISTOIL project is conditioned by the sociodemographic profile; specifically, the age, educational structure and the location (County) in which they operate. The study used secondary and primary data. Research results show that the process of informing and educating the olive oil producers on the implementation of the ARISTOIL project needs to be adapted to the existing educational structure in order to optimize the implementation of the project objectives.

Key words: agriculture, olive growing, ARISTOIL.




Stipanović, B. (2018). Stavovi maslinara o podizanju konkurentnosti maslinarstva u Dalmaciji u kontekstu ARISTOIL projekta. Glasilo Future, 1(5-6), 13-27.
Stipanović, B. (2018). Attitudes of olive growers in Dalmatia region about competiveness growth in context of ARISTOIL project. Glasilo Future, 1(5-6), 13-27.

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