Stručno-znanstveni časopis Glasilo Future ~ The Professional and Scientific Journal Glasilo Future

Boris Dorbić, Emilija Friganović, Marija Slipčević, Margarita Davitkovska, Zvezda Bogevska, Ana Vujošević

Glasilo Future Volumen 2 broj 1-2 lipanj 2019. / Gazette Future Volume 2 number 1-2 June 2019

Objavljeno 30. lipnja 2019. godine. / Published on June 30, 2019.

ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)
UDK 630/610
UDK 502.1
UDK 008


Prethodno priopćenje (preliminary communication)


Senzorska procjena različitih oparaka od aromatičnog bilja

Sensory evaluation of different infusions from aromatic herbs

Str./Pp. 44–58


Boris Dorbić, Emilija Friganović, Marija Slipčević, Margarita Davitkovska, Zvezda Bogevska, Ana Vujošević


U prošlosti i sadašnjosti čovjek je bio okružen i ovisan o ljekovitom bilju. Postepeno ga je upoznavao i to prvo za liječenje, a kasnije i za prehranu. U preradi aromatičnog bilja uglavnom se koriste samo oni dijelovi biljke (npr. plod, cvijet, list, stabljika, korijen, gomolj itd.) koji sadrže aktivne tvari. Čaj se može prirediti kao oparak, uvarak, provarak i naljev. Uglavnom se većina čajeva pripravlja kao oparak ili infuzija. U općem dijelu rada su opisane biološke i kemijske karakteristike aromatičnog bilja čiji su oparci korišteni za senzorsku procjenu, a to su: lavanda, lipa, kamilica, paprena metvica (menta), komorač, kadulja i majčina dušica. U praktičnom dijelu rada metodom senzorske procijene potrošača obavljena je procjena oparaka od gore navedenih vrsta aromatičnog bilja (20 gramske filterske monodoze) tvrtke Franck d. o. o, što je ujedno i cilj ovoga rada. Senzorska procjena je provedena tijekom druge polovice 2018. godine na uzorku od 20 studenata Veleučilišta „Marko Marulić“ u Kninu. Rezultati procjene su pokazali sljedeće: ispitanici su ocjenom dovoljan ocijenili oparak od kadulje. Oparci od lavande, majčine dušice i lipe su ocijenjeni ocjenom dobar, a oparke od mente, kamilice i komorača ispitanici su ocijenili s ocjenom vrlo dobar.

Ključne riječi: aromatične vrste, aromatični oparci, senzorska procjena.


Both in the past and in the present humans have been surrounded and dependent on medicinal herbs. They gradually gained a deeper insight into them, primarily for the purpose of use in traditional medicine and subsequently also in order to use in everyday diet. All the parts of the plant that contain active substances (e.g. fruit, flower, leaf, stem, root, tuber, etc.) are used in the processing of aromatic plants. Tea can be prepared as an infusion, decoction, extraction through cooking and maceration. Most teas are prepared as an infusion. The general part of the paper provides a description of biological and chemical characteristics of aromatic plants whose infusion had been used for sensory evaluation, such as: lavender, linden, chamomile, peppermint (mint), fennel, sage and thyme. In the practical segment of the paper, the method of consumer sensory evaluation was used to evaluate the infusions made from the previously mentioned species of aromatic plants (20 grams monodose) produced by the company Franck d.o.o. Zagreb, which was simultaneously also the objective of this paper. Sensory evaluation was conducted during the second half of 2018 on a sample of 20 students from Marko Marulić Polytechnic of Knin. According to the evaluation results, sage infusion was graded as sufficient by the respondents. Infusions from lavender, thyme and linden were graded as good, whereas infusions from mint, chamomile and fennel were graded as very good by the respondents.

Key words: aromatic species, aromatic infusions, sensory evaluation.




Dorbić, B., Friganović, E., Slipčević, M., Davitkovska, M., Bogevska, Z., Vujošević, A. (2019). Senzorska procjena različitih oparaka od aromatičnog bilja. Glasilo Future, 2(1-2), 44–58.
Dorbić, B., Friganović, E., Slipčević, M., Davitkovska, M., Bogevska, Z., Vujošević, A. (2019). Sensory evaluation of different infusions from aromatic herbs. Glasilo Future, 2(1-2), 44–58.

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