Stručno-znanstveni časopis Glasilo Future ~ The Professional and Scientific Journal Glasilo Future

Anarma Poprženović, Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh, Boris Dorbić, Emir Delić

Glasilo Future Volumen 2 broj 1-2 lipanj 2019. / Gazette Future Volume 2 number 1-2 June 2019

Objavljeno 30. lipnja 2019. godine. / Published on June 30, 2019.

ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)
UDK 630/610
UDK 502.1
UDK 008


Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)


Stavovi o društvenoj funkciji i općem stanju zelenila u Bihaću (Bosna i Hercegovina)

Attitudes on social function and overall status of greenery in the city of Bihać (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Str./Pp. 01–14


Anarma Poprženović, Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh, Boris Dorbić, Emir Delić


Drveće i grmlje u sustavu gradskog zelenila ima niz različitih uloga: funkcionalnih, estetskih, društvenih, ekoloških i gospodarskih te su značajni element svakog grada. Prema podacima o bilansu namjene u obuhvatu Urbanističkog plana grada Bihaća, planirane i postojeće zelene površine zauzimaju oko 553 ha urbanog područja. Cilj rada je bio analiza i istraživanje stavova o društvenoj funkciji i općem stanju zelenila u Bihaću. Anketno istraživanje je provedeno tijekom mjeseca siječnja 2018. godine na različitim lokacijama grada Bihaća. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je ispitanicima Gradski park najomiljenija zelena površina. Preferiraju povećanje zelenih površina u gradu i daju na značaju edukaciji građana o važnosti istih. Smatraju da bi održavanje zelenila Gradskog parka trebali obavljati i građani. Posebno su istaknuli problem loše osvijetljenosti u navedenom parku, kao i nedostatak klupa te koševa za smeće, pojavu vandalizama itd.

Ključne riječi: zelenilo, stanje, društvena funkcija, stavovi, Bihać.


Trees and shrubs in urban greenery play a wide range of roles: functional, aesthetic, social, ecological and economic and are considered an important feature of every city. In accordance with the data in the official records on areas included in Urban Development Plan of the city of Bihać, both the planned and existing green spaces account for around 553 hectares of urban land. The specific objective of the paper is an attitudinal research on social function and overall status of greenery and the City Park in Bihać. The survey research was conducted in January 2018 on the territory of the City of Bihać. According to research findings, the respondents pointed out the City Park as their favourite green space. They advocate the increase in green spaces in the City and they point out the need to raise the awareness of the general public about the importance of green spaces. They believe that the citizens also need to be involved in the maintenance of the greenery in the City Park. The problem of poor lighting in the park in question was primarily emphasised, as well as a lack of park benches and litter bins and the onset of vandalism.

Key words: greenery, state, social function, attitudes, Bihać.




Poprženović, A., Pezdevšek Malovrh, Š., Dorbić, B., Delić, E. (2019). Stavovi o društvenoj funkciji i općem stanju zelenila u Bihaću (Bosna i Hercegovina). Glasilo Future, 2(1-2), 01–14.
Poprženović, A., Pezdevšek Malovrh, Š., Dorbić, B., Delić, E. (2019). Attitudes on social function and overall status of greenery in the city of Bihać (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Glasilo Future, 2(1-2), 01–14.

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