Stručno-znanstveni časopis Glasilo Future ~ The Professional and Scientific Journal Glasilo Future

Boris Dorbić, Tea Zemunović, Emilija Friganović, Elma Temim, Željko Španjol, Katica Arar

Glasilo Future Volumen 2 broj 3 prosinac 2019. / Gazette Future Volume 2 number 3 December 2019

Objavljeno 31. prosinca 2019. godine. / Published on December 31, 2019.

ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)


Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)


Stavovi i percepcije kninskih srednjoškolaca o uzgoju i primjeni sobnog bilja

Attitudes and perceptions of the Knin-based secondary school pupils concerning the growing and use of indoor plants

Str./Pp. 29–45


Boris Dorbić, Tea Zemunović, Emilija Friganović, Elma Temim, Željko Španjol, Katica Arar


Na osnovu njihovog habitusa, sobno bilje se dijeli na šest skupina: vrste koje izgledom podsjećaju na trave, biljke uspravnog rasta, penjačice i puzavice, rozetaste biljke i loptaste biljke. Unutar općeg dijela ovog rada obrađuju se ekološki i uzgojni zahtjevi sobnog bilja, kao i opća saznanja o njihovim različitim skupinama. Anketno istraživanje provedeno je tijekom mjeseca travnja i svibnja 2018. godine na uzorku od 60 ispitanika (učenika srednje škole) s područja grada Knina, njegove okolice i susjednih mjesta. Svrha navedenog istraživanja bila je istražiti stavove i percepcije kninskih srednjoškolaca o nabavi, uzgoju i primjeni sobnog bilja. Temeljem anketnog istraživanja ustanovljeno je da ispitanici (učenici kninskih srednjih škola) najviše nabavljaju sobno bilje u vrtnim centrima i supermarketima Knina. Najveći broj ispitanika godišnje izdvoji do 100 kn za nabavu i njegu sobnog bilja. Manji broj ispitanika se često bavi uzgojem lončanica aromatičnog bilja u interijeru. Najvažnija im je ukrasna karakteristika kod sobnog bilja cvijet. Mali broj ispitanika se bavi i uzgojem sobnog bilja. Najveći broj sobnog bilja im se nalazi u dnevnoj sobi. Za uzgoj i njegu sobnog bilja učenike su najviše zainteresirali njihovi roditelji i rodbina.

Ključne riječi: sobno bilje, opća saznanja, učenici, stavovi i percepcije, Knin.


Based on their habitus, indoor plants are divided into six groups: types whose appearance reminds of grasses, plants that grow vertically, climbers and creepers, rosette-shaped and ball-shaped plants. Ecological and growth requirements of indoor plants have been addressed in the general part of this paper and general knowledge is provided about their different groups. A survey research was conducted in April and May 2018 on a sample of 60 respondents (secondary school pupils) from the area of the city of Knin, its outskirts and the neighbouring towns. The specific objective of the previously mentioned research was to analyse attitudes and perceptions of the Knin-based secondary school pupils in terms of supply, growing and use of indoor plants. According to the findings of the survey research, it was concluded that the respondents (the Knin-based secondary school pupils) most frequently purchase indoor plants in the Knin-based garden centres and supermarkets. The largest number of the respondents spend up to HRK100 at an annualised level for the purchase and care for indoor plants. A smaller number of the respondents are frequently involved in growing of potted aromatic herbs indoors. The decorative feature of indoor plants that they pointed out as the most important for them is the flower. A small number of the respondents are also involved in growing of indoor plants. The respondents normally place the largest number of indoor plants in the living room. The secondary school pupils’ parents and relatives played the most important role in terms of arousing their interest in growing and care for indoor plants.

Key words: indoor plants, general knowledge, pupils, attitudes and perceptions, Knin.




Dorbić, B., Zemunović, T., Friganović, E., Temim, E., Španjol, Ž., Arar, K. (2019). Stavovi i percepcije kninskih srednjoškolaca o uzgoju i primjeni sobnog bilja. Glasilo Future, 2(3), 29–45.
Dorbić, B., Zemunović, T., Friganović, E., Temim, E., Španjol, Ž., Arar, K. (2019). Attitudes and perceptions of the Knin-based secondary school pupils concerning the growing and use of indoor plants. Glasilo Future, 2(3), 29–45.

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