Stručno-znanstveni časopis Glasilo Future ~ The Professional and Scientific Journal Glasilo Future

Boris Dorbić

Glasilo Future Volumen 2 broj 4 prosinac 2019. / Gazette Future Volume 2 number 4 December 2019

Objavljeno 31. prosinca 2019. godine. / Published on December 31, 2019.

ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)


Pregledni rad (scientific review)


Sanacija i revitalizacija drvoreda bijelog duda (Morus alba L.) na prostoru luka Vrnaža – Istočni (središnji) dio luke u Šibeniku

Rehabilitation and revitalization of the white mulberry tree (Morus alba L.) in the area of port Vrnaža – East (central) part of the port in Šibenik

Str./Pp. 36–51


Boris Dorbić


Uzgoj i primjena duda na javnim krajobraznim površinama Šibenika i okolice ima dugu tradiciju. Na više lokaliteta u županiji postoje vrijedni drvoredi ili zelenilo s dudom u sklopu javnog gradskog zelenila. Jedan vrijedni sklop zelenila i drvored s dudom se nalazi i na prostoru luke Vrnaža – Istočni (središnji) dio luke u Šibeniku, tj. ex. Palacin u Mandalini. Svi poslovi vezano za valorizaciju i inventarizaciju drvoreda bijelog duda (Morus alba L.) obavljeni su tijekom lipnja 2018. godine. U okviru rada/studije popisane su vrste duda, evidentirano je njihovo sadašnje stanje, estetske i funkcionalne vrijednosti kao i povijesni dio vezan za nastanak navedenog drvoreda. Cilj ove studije je dati prikaz stanja u cilju buduće sanacije i revitalizacije prostora. Rezultati su pokazali da su analizirana stabla duda na istočnom parkingu Vrnaža osrednjeg vitaliteta s vidljivim pojavama bolesti na deblu, granama i lišću, osim drvoreda s lijeve strane ulaza. Stabla su uglavnom slične životne dobi (70 – 75 godina) s visinom od 15 do 20 m. Ovaj "stari" drvored murvi je potrebno sačuvati i zaštiti zbog autentičnosti, a stabla su vrijedna i kao spomenici parkovne arhitekture.

Ključne riječi: valorizacija, Luka Vrnaža, Morus alba, parkovna arhitektura.


The cultivation and application of mulberry trees on the public landscapes of Šibenik and the surrounding area has a long tradition. In many localities in the county, there are valuable trees or greenery with mulberry trees within the public urban greenery. One valuable greenery slot and avenue with mulberries is also located in the area of the port of Vrnaža – East (central) part of the port in Šibenik, ex. Palacin in Mandalina. All operations related to the valorization and inventorying of the white mulberry tree (Morus alba L.) were done during June 2018. Within the scope of the work / study were listed types of mulberry trees, their current status, aesthetic and functional values as well as the historical part related to the origin of the aforementioned avenue were recorded. The aim of this study is to give the review of the situation with a view to the future rehabilitation and revitalization of the space. The results showed that analyzed mulberry trees in the eastern parking lot Vrnaža are of mediocre vitality with visible disease occurrences on the trunk, branches and leaves, except for an avenue on the left side of the entrance. The trees are generally similar in age (70 – 75 years) with a height of 15 to 20 m. This "old" avenue of mulberries needs to be preserved and protected for authenticity. The trees are valuable as monuments of park architecture.

Key words: valorization, Port of Vrnaža, Morus alba, park architecture.




Dorbić, B. (2019). Sanacija i revitalizacija drvoreda bijelog duda (Morus alba L.) na prostoru luka Vrnaža – Istočni (središnji) dio luke u Šibeniku. Glasilo Future, 2(4), 36–51.
Dorbić, B. (2019). Rehabilitation and revitalization of the white mulberry tree (Morus alba L.) in the area of port Vrnaža – East (central) part of the port in Šibenik. Glasilo Future, 2(4), 36–51.

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