Stručno-znanstveni časopis Glasilo Future ~ The Professional and Scientific Journal Glasilo Future

Emilija Friganović, Danijel Anić, Ančica Sečan Matijaščić, Mladenka Šarolić, Boris Dorbić, Žana Delić, Marko Šuste

Glasilo Future Volumen 2 broj 4 prosinac 2019. / Gazette Future Volume 2 number 4 December 2019

Objavljeno 31. prosinca 2019. godine. / Published on December 31, 2019.

ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)


Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)


Ponašanje i stavovi studenata Veleučilišta Marko Marulić u Kninu o funkcionalnim napitcima

Behavior and attitudes of students of the Marko Marulić Polytechnic of Knin toward functional beverages

Str./Pp. 10–20


Emilija Friganović, Danijel Anić, Ančica Sečan Matijaščić, Mladenka Šarolić, Boris Dorbić, Žana Delić, Marko Šuste


U radu su ispitani ponašanje i stavovi studenata Veleučilišta "Marko Marulić u Kninu o funkcionalnim napitcima (FN) (uključivo sportski napitci; bez mliječno-baziranih napitaka) te je dana usporedba s učestalošću konzumacije sokova od voća i/ili povrća (SVP), sokova domaće proizvodnje (SDP) i energetskih pića s visokim sadržajem kofeina (EPK). Ispitivanje je provedeno od 05. do 15. 10. 2015. godine putem otisnutog anketnog upitnika među dobrovoljnim studentima kojima je omogućena anonimnost. Korištena su pitanja zatvorenog tipa koja su obuhvatila opće podatke, te podatke o ponašanju i stavovima studenata o funkcionalnim napitcima. Dobiveni podaci obrađeni su u MS Excel 2010. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju da napitke deklarirane kao funkcionalni sokovi konzumiraju svi ispitanici, a barem jednom tjedno konzumira ih 69,57 % ispitanika. SVP barem jednom tjedno konzumira 73,91 % ispitanika, dok ih 10,87 % ispitanika nikada ne konzumira. SDP ne konzumira 23,91 % ispitanika, a 45,67 % konzumira ih barem jednom tjedno. EPK nikada ne konzumira 45,65 % ispitanika, a 26,08 % konzumira ih barem jednom tjedno. Domaća proizvodnja (43,48 %), pristupačna cijena (28,26 %), utjecaj na organizam (39,13 %) te kvaliteta proizvoda (36,96 %) najznačajniji su razlozi za kupnju SDP, SVP, FN i EPK (tim redom). Prosječna potrošnja SVP, SDP, FN i EPK dnevno po ispitaniku je 1,62 dL, 1,20 dL, 0,65 dL i 0,54 dL (tim redom). Ispitanici preferiraju sokove od bazge, cikle, drenjina, jabuke i grožđa te robne marke "Vindi Iso sport" i "Red Bull" na temelju saznanja o sastavu i djelovanju pojedinih napitaka na organizam.

Ključne riječi: funkcionalni napitci, studenti, ponašanje potrošača, stavovi.


The paper examines the behavior and attitudes of students of the Marko Marulić Polytechnic in Knin on functional drinks (FN) (including sports drinks; without milk-based drinks) and compares with the frequency of consumption of fruit and/or vegetable juices (SVP), domestic production juices (SDP) and energy drinks with high caffeine content (EPK). The survey was conducted from 5 to 15 October 2015 through a printed questionnaire among volunteer students who were granted anonymity. Close ended questions were used to gather general data and data on students' behavior and attitudes about functional drinks. The obtained data were processed in MS Excel 2010. The results of the study show that all respondents consume beverages declared as functional juices, and that FN are consumed at least once a week by 69.57 % of respondents. 73.91 % of respondents consume SVP at least once a week, while 10.87 % of respondents never consume SVP. SDP does not consume 23.91 % of respondents, and 45.67 % consume them at least once a week. EPK is never consumed by 45.65 % of respondents, and 26.08 % consume EPK at least once a week. Domestic production (43.48 %), affordable price (28.26 %), effect on the organism (39.13 %) and product quality (36.96 %) are the most important reasons for buying SDP, SVP, FN and EPK, respectively. The average daily consumption of SVP, SDP, FN and EPK per respondent was 1.62 dL, 1.20 dL, 0.65 dL and 0.54 dL, respectively. Respondents prefer juices from elderberry, beetroot, cornelian cherry, apple and grape, and the brands "Vindi Iso sport" and "Red Bull" based on knowledge about the composition and effect of certain beverages on the body.

Key words: functional beverages, students, consumer behaviour, attitudes.




Friganović, E., Anić, D., Sečan Matijaščić, A., Šarolić, M., Dorbić, B., Delić, Ž., Šuste, M. (2019). Ponašanje i stavovi studenata Veleučilišta Marko Marulić u Kninu o funkcionalnim napitcima. Glasilo Future, 2(4), 10–20.
Friganović, E., Anić, D., Sečan Matijaščić, A., Šarolić, M., Dorbić, B., Delić, Ž., Šuste, M. (2019). Behavior and attitudes of students of the Marko Marulić Polytechnic of Knin toward functional beverages. Glasilo Future, 2(4), 10–20.

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