Stručno-znanstveni časopis Glasilo Future ~ The Professional and Scientific Journal Glasilo Future

Tatjana Prebeg, Kristina Balen, Vesna Židovec

Glasilo Future Volumen 4 broj 2-3 lipanj 2021. / Gazette Future Volume 4 number 2-3 June 2021

Objavljeno 30. lipnja 2021. godine. / Published on June 30, 2021.

ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)
UDK 63


Pregledni rad (scientific review)


Utjecaj anatomske građe latica na ukrasna svojstva cvjetova

The influence of petal anatomy on ornamental attributes of flowers

Str./Pp. 16–29


Tatjana Prebeg, Kristina Balen, Vesna Židovec


Boja cvjetova je jedan od glavnih elemenata estetske vrijednosti ukrasnog bilja te stoga ima veliko komercijalno značenje, naročito u cvjećarskih kultura. Iako boju cvijeta primarno određuju sastav i koncentracija pigmenata, na njene karakteristike utječu i drugi čimbenici, među kojima važnu ulogu ima i anatomska građa tkiva latica, osobito epiderme. U većine cvjetova, epidermalne stanice su barem na jednoj strani latica čunjasto ispupčene. Čunjast oblik stanica može povećati udio svjetlosti koji ulazi u tkivo latice i dospijeva do pigmenata, uslijed čega se povećava apsorpcija svjetlosti te time i intenzitet boje. Anatomska građa, međutim, osim na boju, utječe i na vizualne karakteristike površine (teksturu) latica. Epidermalne stanice čunjasta oblika laticama daju matirani ili baršunasti izgled, dok su latice s vrlo ravnom i glatkom epidermom sjajne površine. U ovome radu opisane su temeljne značajke anatomske građe latica te njihov utjecaj na dva važna čimbenika ukrasne vrijednosti cvjetova: boju i vizualne karakteristike površine latica.

Ključne riječi: anatomija latica, boja cvjetova, epidermalne stanice, mezofil, ukrasno bilje.


Flower color is one of the key elements of aesthetic value of ornamental plants and therefore has large commercial significance, especially in floricultural crops. Although flower color is determined primarily by the composition and concentration of the pigments, the characteristics of color are also affected by other factors, including anatomical structure of the petals, in particular the epidermis. In most flowers, petal epidermis is composed of conically-shaped cells, on at least one side of the petals. Conical cell shape can increase the proportion of incident light that enters the petal tissue, so more light reaches the pigments; in that way, light absorption and thus the intensity of petal color are enhanced. Anatomical structure, however, also influence the visual characteristics of petal surface (texture). Petals with conically-shaped epidermal cells have a matte or velvety surface, while a very flat and smooth petal surface appears glossy. This paper describes key features of petal anatomy and the ways in which they affect two important factors of ornamental value of flowers: petal color and visual characteristics of the petal surface.

Key words: petal anatomy, flower color, epidermal cells, mesophyll, ornamental plants.




Prebeg, T., Balen, K., Židovec, V. (2021). Utjecaj anatomske građe latica na ukrasna svojstva cvjetova. Glasilo Future, 4(2-3), 16–29.
Prebeg, T., Balen, K., Židovec, V. (2021). The influence of petal anatomy on ornamental attributes of flowers. Glasilo Future, 4(2-3), 16–29.

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