Stručno-znanstveni časopis Glasilo Future ~ The Professional and Scientific Journal Glasilo Future

Aiša Širbegović, Aida Šukalić, Maida Đapo-Lavić, Alma Mičijević, Alma Leto

Glasilo Future Volumen 5 broj 1-2 lipanj 2022. / Gazette Future Volume 5 number 1-2 June 2022

Objavljeno 30. lipnja 2022. godine. / Published on June 30, 2022.

ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)
UDK 63


Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)


Frequency of consumption of coffee beverages in the city of Mostar and caffeine intake

Str./Pp. 01–14


Aiša Širbegović, Aida Šukalić, Maida Đapo-Lavić, Alma Mičijević, Alma Leto


The aim of this study was to examine the frequency of consumption of coffee beverages in the city of Mostar. In 2019, an analysis of caffeine content was performed on HPLC in 10 different samples of coffee beverages. Samples of coffee were taken from the market of the city of Mostar by random selection. In addition to the High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method, the study was conducted using empirical and descriptive methods. An assessment of daily (EDI) and weekly intake (EWI) was also performed were on the base of determined values of caffeine content in 10 different coffee samples. The acute toxic dose of caffeine is not well defined, but it is considered more than 10 grams of caffeine per day for adults, while in most countries it is not recommended that more than 450 mg of caffeine be consumed per day. The samples were found to be in accordance with the EFSA Scientific Opinion (European Food Safety Authority) stating that a single dose of 200 mg of caffeine from all sources does not pose a risk to the health of healthy adults. (EFSA, 2015).

Key words: Coffee, caffeine, acute toxic dose, risk.




Širbegović, A., Šukalić, A., Đapo-Lavić, M., Mičijević, A., Leto, A. (2022). Frequency of consumption of coffee beverages in the city of Mostar and caffeine intake. Glasilo Future, 5(1-2), 01–14.

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