Stručno-znanstveni časopis Glasilo Future ~ The Professional and Scientific Journal Glasilo Future

Kiril Bahćevandžiev

Glasilo Future Volumen 5 broj 3 rujan 2022. / Gazette Future Volume 5 number 3 September 2022

Objavljeno 30. rujna 2022. godine. / Published on September 30, 2022.

ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)
UDK 63


Prethodno priopćenje (preliminary communication)


Teaching floriculture: An educational experience from research to action – Case study

Str./Pp. 54–62


Kiril Bahćevandžiev


Floriculture and Landscape management is a Curricular Unit (CU) that makes part of the BSc Degree course in Crops and Livestock Engineering (DCLE) at the Coimbra Agriculture School, belonging to the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal. It is an important subject in flower industry as it occupies the third place of the agricultural production in Portugal, after viticulture and arable crops. Teaching a floriculture is challenging as students’ can chose it as their future professional occupation and requires a lot of collaboration between the students, teachers, and the florist industry. The purpose of this study was to define what can be the best way to stimulate future students in floriculture and define the best way of teaching this subject. For this purpose, a query was elaborated with students that followed this CU.

Key words: floriculture, industry, employment, learning and teaching methods.




Bahćevandžiev, K. (2022). Teaching floriculture: An educational experience from research to action – Case study. Glasilo Future, 5(3), 54–62.

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