Stručno-znanstveni časopis Glasilo Future ~ The Professional and Scientific Journal Glasilo Future

Semina Hadžiabulić, Jasna Hasanbegović, Aleksandra Šupljeglav Jukić, Jasmina Aliman, Azra Skender, Enesa Hadžić

Glasilo Future Volumen 5 broj 3 rujan 2022. / Gazette Future Volume 5 number 3 September 2022

Objavljeno 30. rujna 2022. godine. / Published on September 30, 2022.

ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)
UDK 63


Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)


Evaluation of autochthonous apple varieties (Malus domestica) in the area of Tomislavgrad

Str./Pp. 16–30


Semina Hadžiabulić, Jasna Hasanbegović, Aleksandra Šupljeglav Jukić, Jasmina Aliman, Azra Skender, Enesa Hadžić


The research included seven autochthonous apple varieties in the area of Tomislavgrad, Stipanjići locality, during 2018, which represent the natural wealth of our country. In seven autochthonous apple varieties: Petrovača bijela, Budimka, Ljutika-Divljaka, Ledarica, Bedrica, Ljepocvjetka-Cvjetača and Jonatanka, phenological characteristics were monitored and analyzed with morphological-pomological properties of fruits. The following phenological characteristics were monitored: flowering phenophases, germination of the first fruits, fruit growth, fruit ripening and full maturity. Five characteristics for the description of apple fruits were determined using the UPOV descriptor for apples (UPOV, 2003). The results of monitoring the morphological and pomological properties of fruits show that the lowest average fruit weight was in the variety of Cvjetača (58,38 g), while the highest average of fruit weight had variety Bedrica (140,59 g). In the result is evident that the lowest value of fruit width had variety Cvjetača (53,72 mm), and the highest had variety of Jonatanka (70,83 mm). The Cvjetača variety had the lowest average fruit lenght (47,24 mm), while the Bedrica variety had the highest (59,72 mm). The Budimka variety had the highest average stem length (2,73 cm), while the Divljak variety had the lowest average stem length (1,43 cm). The Jonatanka variety had the largest average cup concavity and was (1,28 mm), while the Petrovača bijela variety (0,41 mm) had the lowest average cup concavity. Based on the this research, the examined autochthonous apple varieties can be used a valuable genetic material in breeding programs, and can be used to create new varieties, as well as for propagation in commercial plantations.

Key words: autochthonous, apple, varieties, phenological, morphological-pomological properties.




Hadžiabulić, S., Hasanbegović, J., Šupljeglav Jukić, A., Aliman, J. Skender, A., Hadžić, E. (2022). Evaluation of autochthonous apple varieties (Malus domestica) in the area of Tomislavgrad. Glasilo Future, 5(3), 16–30.

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