Stručno-znanstveni časopis Glasilo Future ~ The Professional and Scientific Journal Glasilo Future

Ana Šujica, Željko Španjol, Boris Dorbić

Glasilo Future Volumen 5 broj 5-6 prosinac 2022. / Gazette Future Volume 5 number 5-6 December 2022

Objavljeno 31. prosinca 2022. godine. / Published on December 31, 2022.

ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)
UDK 63


Stručni rad (professional paper)


Ekološka radionica za srednjoškolce u sklopu projekta S HEP-om do razumijevanja požara i njegovog utjecaja na okoliš kao model edukacije iz zaštite prirode i okoliša

Ecological workshop on the topic of fire for high school students as part of the project With HEP to understand fire and its impact on the environment as a model of education in nature and environmental protection

Str./Pp. 45–59


Ana Šujica, Željko Španjol, Boris Dorbić


Na području grada Šibenika požari otvorenih područja su vrlo česti, naročito u toplijem dijelu godine. Isti uzrokuju velike štete na stablima i drvnoj masi, a zahtijevaju i troškove sanacije i obnove nakon požara itd. Upravo zbog navedenog, a u cilju buduće prevencije i zaštite potrebno je obrazovati i mlađe naraštaje. U radu je prikazana metodologija i struktura ekološke radionice iz tematike požara za srednjoškolce u sklopu projekta "S HEP-om do razumijevanja požara i njegovog utjecaja na okoliš". Ista će biti korisna kao model za neke slične edukacije iz zaštite prirode i okoliša. Rezultati evaluacije radionice mogu se koristiti za povećanje broja edukacija vezanih na navedenu tematiku jer se utvrdilo da je tematika poznata, aktualna i zanimljiva. Ovakav tip interaktivnih i donekle neformalnih radionica potiče učenike na interes prema tematici, kritički osvrt i kreativnost. Bilo bi poželjno osmisliti i realizirati sličnu, ali činjenično i metodološki prilagođenu radionicu i za učenike osnovnih škola.

Ključne riječi: požari, radionica, edukacija učenika, ekonomska škola, Šibenik.


In area of City Šibenik, fires in open are very common, especially in the warmer part of the year. They cause great damage to trees and wood mass that require costs of rehabilitation and reconstruction after a fire, etc. In the aim of future prevention and protection, it is necessary to educate the younger generations. This paper presents the methodology and structure of an ecological workshop on the topic of fire for high school students as part of the project "With HEP to understand fire and its impact on the environment". It will be useful as a model for some similar educations in nature and environmental protection. The results of the evaluation of the workshop can be used to increase the number of educations related to the mentioned topic because it was determined that the topic is known, current and interesting. This type of interactive and somewhat informal workshops encourages students to show interest in the topic, critical review and creativity. It would be desirable to design and realize a similar, but factually and methodologically adjusted workshop for elementary school students as well.

Key words: fires, workshop, student education, economic school, Šibenik.




Šujica, A., Španjol, Ž., Dorbić, B. (2022). Ekološka radionica za srednjoškolce u sklopu projekta "S HEP-om do razumijevanja požara i njegovog utjecaja na okoliš" kao model edukacije iz zaštite prirode i okoliša. Glasilo Future, 5(5-6), 45–59.
Šujica, A., Španjol, Ž., Dorbić, B.(2022). Ecological workshop on the topic of fire for high school students as part of the project "With HEP to understand fire and its impact on the environment" as a model of education in nature and environmental protection. Glasilo Future, 5(5-6), 45–59.

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