Domagoj Šmidt, Ivan Širić
Glasilo Future Volumen 7 broj 2-3 lipanj 2024. / Gazette Future Volume 7 number 2-3 June 2024
Objavljeno 30. lipnja 2024. godine. / Published on June 30, 2024.
ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)
UDK 63
Pregledni znanstveni rad (scientific review)
Neiskorišteni farmakološki potencijal gljive muhare - Amanita muscaria (L.) Lam. (1783)
The unused pharmacological potential of fly agaric - Amanita muscaria (L.) Lam. (1783)
Str./Pp. 47–71
Domagoj Šmidt, Ivan Širić
Amanita muscaria (L.) Lam., gljiva poznatija pod narodnim imenom crvena muhara stigmatizirana je kao otrovna gljiva u većini znanstvene literature i javnom mišljenju. Danas postoje brojni povijesni zapisi i anegdote o pozitivnim zdravstvenim učincima vrste A. muscaria, kao što su smanjenje tjeskobe, bolova, upala i ublažavanja kroničnih neurodegenerativnih poteškoća poput Parkinsonove i Alzheimerove bolesti te posljedica traumatskih iskustava. Ovim radom bit će prikazana povijest upotrebe odabrane vrste, a poseban naglasak biti će na aktivnim spojevima pronađenim u ovoj gljivi, različitim metodama pripreme, izolacije i učincima pripravaka od plodišta vrste A. muscaria.
Ključne riječi: Amanita muscaria, etnomikologija, farmakologija, ibotenska kiselina.
A. muscaria, a mushroom more commonly known as the red fly agaric, has been stigmatized as a poisonous mushroom in most literature and public opinion. Today there are numerous historical records and anecdotes about the positive effects of A. muscaria, primarily in reducing anxiety, pain, inflammation, and alleviating symptoms of chronic neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, as well as the consequences of traumatic experiences. This paper will describe the history of its use with a special focus on the active compounds found in this mushroom, various preparation and isolation methods, and how they impact the effects of A. muscaria preparations.
Key words: Amanita muscaria, ethnomycology, pharmacology, ibotenic acid.
Šmidt, D., Širić, I. (2024). Neiskorišteni farmakološki potencijal gljive muhare - Amanita muscaria (L.) Lam. (1783). Glasilo Future, 7(2-3), 47–71.
Šmidt, D., Širić, I. (2024). The unused pharmacological potential of fly agaric - Amanita muscaria (L.) Lam. (1783). Glasilo Future, 7(2-3), 47–71.