Damir Viličić

Glasilo Future Volumen 7 broj 2-3 lipanj 2024. / Gazette Future Volume 7 number 2-3 June 2024

Objavljeno 30. lipnja 2024. godine. / Published on June 30, 2024.


ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)
UDK 63


Stručni rad (professional paper)


Hrast crnika (Quercus ilex L.) u makiji sjevernodalmatinskih otoka – utjecaj klimatskih i antropogenih čimbenika

Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) in the maquis of the northern Dalmatian islands - influence of climatic and anthropogenic factors

Str./Pp. 72–96


Damir Viličić


Primarne šume crnike (Quercus ilex L.) u Sredozemlju su nestale. Sječa šume za poljoprivredu i ispašu, drvo za ogrjev i brodogradnju te požari, degradirali su šume hrasta crnike u šikare - makiju. Na sjevernodalmatinskim otocima ljetna suša je jače izražena nego drugdje u Hrvatskoj što usporava prirast makije s crnikom. Antropogeni utjecaji omogućavaju širenje alepskog bora (Pinus halepensis Miller). Pošumljavanje i sadnja crnike može ublažiti visoku temperaturu i suhoću tla i zraka ljeti, povećati biološku raznolikost, oplemeniti vizualni doživljaj krajobraza, unaprijediti kvalitetu života i zdravlje ljudi i spriječiti eroziju plodnog tla. Do organiziranja nacionalne inicijative, sadnja crnike, koja je karakteristična i stabilizirajuća vrsta klimatogene vazdazelene makije može se provoditi privatnom inicijativom uz suhozidove privatnih posjeda. Otok je dobar eksperimentalni laboratorij za provedbu menadžmenta biološke raznolikosti i zaštite od klimatskih promjena. Dobro bi došla komparativna istraživanja rasta crnike uz istočnu obalu Jadrana.

Ključne riječi: crnika, Quercus ilex, otoci, Dalmacija, Hrvatska.


The primary forests of holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) in the Mediterranean have disappeared. Cutting of forests for agriculture, wood for firewood and shipbuilding, and grazing as well as fires, degraded holm oak forests into thickets – maquis. On the northern Dalmatian islands (central Adriatic coast), the summer drought is more pronounced than elsewhere in Croatia, which slows down the growth of maquis with holm oak. Anthropogenic influences enable the spread of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Miller). Afforestation and planting of holm oak can alleviate the high temperature and dryness of the soil and air in summer, increase biological diversity, enrich the visual experience of the landscape, improve the quality of life and health of people, and prevent erosion of fertile soil. Until the organization of a national initiative, the planting of holm oak, which is a characteristic and stabilizing species of climatogenic evergreen maquis, can be carried out by private initiative along the drystone walls of private properties. The island is a good experimental laboratory for the implementation of biodiversity management and climate change protection. Comparative studies of holm oak growth along the eastern coast of the Adriatic would be useful.

Key words: Holm oak, Quercus ilex, islands, Dalmatia, Croatia.




Viličić, D. (2024). Hrast crnika (Quercus ilex L.) u makiji sjevernodalmatinskih otoka – utjecaj klimatskih i antropogenih čimbenika. Glasilo Future, 7(2-3), 72–96.
Viličić, D. (2024). Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) in the maquis of the northern Dalmatian islands - influence of climatic and anthropogenic factors. Glasilo Future, 7(2-3), 72–96.