Stručno-znanstveni časopis Glasilo Future ~ The Professional and Scientific Journal Glasilo Future

Maja Čačija, Petra Runjak, Ivan Juran

Glasilo Future Volumen 4 broj 4 listopad 2021. / Gazette Future Volume 4 number 4 October 2021

Objavljeno 20. listopada 2021. godine. / Published on October 20, 2021.

ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)
UDK 63


Stručni rad (professional paper)


Entomofauna lucerne na pokušalištu Šašinovec

Entomofauna of alfalfa at the Šašinovec experimental station

Str./Pp. 37–55


Maja Čačija, Petra Runjak, Ivan Juran


Lucerna (Medicago sativa L.) je cijenjena je krmna kultura koja ima gospodarsku, poljoprivrednu i nutritivnu vrijednost te primjenu nalazi i u medicini. Na uzgoj i prinos svake kulture, pa tako i lucerne, veliki utjecaj može imati prisutna entomofauna. Ona može pozitivno, ali i negativno utjecati na prinose, ovisno o tome radi li se o korisnim ili štetnim kukcima. Cilj rada bio je istražiti dinamiku pojave entomofaune na lucerni, primjenjujući različite metode hvatanja štetnika (endogejski mamci, pitfall mamci, žute ljepljive ploče i entomološka mreža). Istraživanje je provedeno na pokušalištu Šašinovec Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu od kraja veljače do sredine svibnja 2019. godine. Očitavanja ulova obavljana su jednom tjedno. Determinacijom uhvaćenih vrsta utvrđeno je da najveći broj jedinki pripada redu Diptera (36,99 %), nakon kojeg slijede redovi Collembola (21,94 %), Hemiptera (19,75 %) i Coleoptera (18,75 %). Najmanji broj uhvaćenih jedinki pripada redovima Hymenoptera (1,88 %) i Lepidoptera (0,69 %). Osim razlike u brojnosti uhvaćene entomofaune po redovima, vidljiva je i razlika u brojnosti kukaca uhvaćenih različitim metodama hvatanja. Najviše kukaca ulovljeno je na žutim ljepljivim pločama (38,62 %), iza kojih slijede pitfall mamci (32,66 %) i ulov entomološkom mrežom (28,28 %), a najmanje jedinki prikupljeno je korištenjem endogejskih mamaca (0,44 %). Rezultati ovog istraživanja pridonose poznavanju entomofaune lucerne, što može utjecati na način održavanja i njege usjeva te na optimalno vrijeme i način zaštite nasada.

Ključne riječi: lucerna, mamci, praćenje, štetnici.


Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is a valued forage crop that has economic, agricultural and nutritional value and is used in medicine. On the cultivation of each crop, including alfalfa, the presence of entomofauna plays a large role, which can positively and negatively affect yields, depending on whether it is a useful or harmful entomofauna. The aim of this study was to investigate the dynamics of entomofauna occurrence in alfalfa, by using different methods of pest capture (endogeic traps, pitfall traps, yellow sticky traps and entomological net). The research was conducted at the Šašinovec experimental station of the Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb from the end of February to the middle of May 2019. Catch readings were performed once a week. Identification of species showed that the largest number of insects belonged to the order Diptera (36.99 %), followed by orders Collembola (21.81 %), Hemiptera (19.75 %) and Coleoptera (18.75 %). The lowest number of insects belonged to the orders of Hymenoptera (1.88 %) and Lepidoptera (0.69 %). In addition to the difference in the number of captured entomofauna by orders, there is also a difference in the number of insects caught by different methods of capture. Most insects were caught on yellow sticky traps (38.62 %), followed by pitfall traps (32.66 %) and entomological net (28.28 %), and the fewest individuals were collected using endogeic traps (0.44 %). The results of this research contribute to the knowledge of the entomofauna of alfalfa, which can affect the care of crops, as well as the optimal time and means of protection against insect pests.

Key words: alfalfa, insect pests, monitoring, traps.




Čačija, M., Runjak, P., Juran, I. (2021). Entomofauna lucerne na pokušalištu Šašinovec. Glasilo Future, 4(4), 37–55.
Čačija, M., Runjak, P., Juran, I. (2021). Entomofauna of alfalfa at the Šašinovec experimental station. Glasilo Future, 4(4), 37–55.

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