Stručno-znanstveni časopis Glasilo Future ~ The Professional and Scientific Journal Glasilo Future

Elma Temim, Boris Dorbić, Alisa Hadžiabulić, Sanela Mujčin

Glasilo Future Volumen 4 broj 5-6 prosinac 2021. / Gazette Future Volume 4 number 5-6 December 2021

Objavljeno 31. prosinca 2021. godine. / Published on December 31, 2021.

ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)
UDK 63


Stručni rad (professional paper)


Ožiljavanje reznica indijske lagerstremije (Lagestroemia indica L.) tretiranjem vrbinom vodom, hormonom i vodom

Rooting cuttings of Indian lagerstroemia (Lagerstroemia indica L.) by treatment with the willow water, hormone and water

Str./Pp. 23–30


Elma Temim, Boris Dorbić, Alisa Hadžiabulić, Sanela Mujčin


Indijska lagestremija (Lagerstroemia indica L.) je ukrasni grm ili drvo visine do 8 m. Cvjetovi joj mogu biti: bijele, crvene, ljubičaste ili ružičaste boje. Prednost ove vrste leži i u njezinoj univerzalnoj primjeni u gradskim krajobrazima. Komercijalno se razmnožava reznicama, zrelim ili zelenim. U novije vrijeme sve se više upotrebljavaju različiti botanički pripravci u cilju ožiljavanja reznica. Tako npr. pripravak od vrbe (Salix. spp.) (vrbina voda) obiluje auksinima, indol-3-maslačnom kiselinom (IBA) i salicilnom kiselinom. Cilj rada je bio utvrđivanje postotka ožiljavanja drvenastih reznica vrste Lagestroemia indica. U svrhu ožiljavanja upotrebljeni su: Rhizopon II i vrbin hormon. Zrele reznice indijske langestremije, 120 komada uzete su s matične biljke početkom ožujka te su obavljena četiri različita tretiranja s biljnim hormonima. Tijekom uzgoja, na reznicama su mjerene sljedeće karakteristike: broj listova, broj izdanaka i ukorjenjivanje. Na osnovu dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da se za uspješno ožiljavanje Lagestroemia indica iz netrapljenih reznica preporučuje aplikacija hormona Rhizopona II ili vrbinog hormona u trajanju namakanja od 24 sata.

Ključne riječi: indijska langestremija, ožiljavanje, zrele reznice, hormoni, vrbina voda.


Indian lagerstroemia (Lagerstroemia indica L.) is an ornamental shrub or tree that is up to 8 m tall. Its flowers can be of white, red, purple or pink colour. The advantage of this species is in its universal application in urban landscape architecture. Commercially is propagated by cuttings, mature or the green ones. In recent times, various botanical preparations have been increasingly used to prune cuttings, for example the willow tree (Salix. spp.) which is abundant with auxins, indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and salicylic acid. The aim of this study was to determine the percentage of rooting of woody cuttings of Lagerstroemia indica. For the purpose of scarring, the following were used: Rhizopon II and willow hormone. Mature cuttings of Indian lagerstroemia, in total 120 pieces of them were taken from the parent plant in early March, and afterwards on them there were performed four different treatments with the plant hormones. During cultivation, the following characteristics were measured on cuttings: the number of leaves and the number of shoots and rooting. Based on the obtained results we can conclude that for the successful rooting of Lagerstroemia indica from non-macerated cuttings, the use of hormone Rhizopone II or willow hormone for a period of soaking during 24 hours is recommended.

Key words: Lagerstroemia indica, scarring, mature cuttings, hormones, willow water.




Temim, E., Dorbić, B., Hadžiabulić, A., Mujčin, S. (2021). Ožiljavanje reznica indijske lagerstremije (Lagestroemia indica L.) tretiranjem vrbinom vodom, hormonom i vodom. Glasilo Future, 4(5-6), 23–30.
Temim, E., Dorbić, B., Hadžiabulić, A., Mujčin, S. (2021). Rooting cuttings of Indian lagerstroemia (Lagerstroemia indica L.) by treatment with the willow water, hormone and water. Glasilo Future, 4(5-6), 23–30.

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