Aleksandra Šupljeglav Jukić, Jasmina Aliman, Jasna Hasanbegović Sejfić

Glasilo Future Volumen 7 broj 2-3 lipanj 2024. / Gazette Future Volume 7 number 2-3 June 2024

Objavljeno 30. lipnja 2024. godine. / Published on June 30, 2024.

ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)
UDK 63


Izvorni znanstveni rad (original scientific paper)


Fizikalno-kemijske značajke ploda trešnje sorte Isabella i Prima Giant uzgajanih na različitim tlima

Physico-chemical characteristics of the sweet cherry fruit of the Isabella and Prima Giant varieties grown on different soils

Str./Pp. 20–35


Aleksandra Šupljeglav Jukić, Jasmina Aliman, Jasna Hasanbegović Sejfić


U razdoblju dvije godine (2019, 2020) proučavane su fizikalne i kemijske osobine ploda dvije sorte trešnje (Isabella i Prima Giant) cijepljene na podlozi Saint Lucie 64 u agroekološkim uvjetima submediteranske Hercegovine na tri različita tipa tla na lokalitetima: Blagaj, Konjusi i Aladinići. Istraživanja su obuhvaćala analizu mase ploda i koštice, dužinu peteljke, dimenzije ploda, sadržaj ukupnih kiselina i ukupnih šećera. Rezultati su pokazali da je sorta Prima Giant u 2020. godini imala najveću prosječnu vrijednost za sve promatrane fizikalne parametre ploda (masu ploda i koštice, dužinu peteljke, širinu ploda). Sorta Isabella je u 2019. godini imala najveću prosječnu masu koštice i dužinu peteljke, dok su plodovi sorte Prima Giant imali najveću prosječnu masu, dužinu, širinu i debljinu ploda. Na osnovu dobivenih vrijednosti, sorta Prima Giant je pokazala bolje rezultate fizikalnih osobina ploda u odnosu na sortu Isabella. Sorta Isabella je imala najveću prosječnu vrijednost ukupnih šećera i kiselina.

Ključne riječi: tlo, trešnja, sorta, fizikalne i kemijske značajke ploda.


In a period of two years (2019, 2020), the physical and chemical properties of the fruit of two varieties of cherry (Isabella and Prima Giant) grafted on the Saint Lucie 64 rootstock were studied in the agroecological conditions of sub-Mediterranean Herzegovina on three different soil types in the localities: Blagaj, Konjusi and Aladinići. The research included the weight of the fruit and stone, the length of the stalk, the dimensions of the fruit, the content of total acids and total sugars. The results showed that the Prima Giant variety in 2020 had the highest average value for all observed physical parameters of the fruit (weight of the fruit and stone, length of the stalk, width of the fruit). In 2019, the variety Isabella had the highest average stone weight and peduncle length, while the fruits of the Prima Giant variety had the highest average weight, length, width and thickness of the fruit. Based on the obtained values, the variety Prima Giant showed better results of the physical characteristics of the fruit compared to the variety Isabella. The variety Isabella had the highest average value of total sugars and acids.

Key words: soil, cherry, variety, physical and chemical properties of the fruit.




Šupljeglav Jukić, A., Aliman, J., Hasanbegović Sejfić, J. (2024). Fizikalno-kemijske značajke ploda trešnje sorte Isabella i Prima Giant uzgajanih na različitim tlima. Glasilo Future, 7(2-3), 20–35.
Šupljeglav Jukić, A., Aliman, J., Hasanbegović Sejfić, J. (2024). Physico-chemical characteristics of the sweet cherry fruit of the Isabella and Prima Giant varieties grown on different soils. Glasilo Future, 7(2-3), 20–35.