Stručno-znanstveni časopis Glasilo Future ~ The Professional and Scientific Journal Glasilo Future

Mara Marić

Glasilo Future Volumen 4 broj 1 svibanj 2021. / Gazette Future Volume 4 number 1 May 2021

Objavljeno 24. svibnja 2021. godine. / Published on May 24, 2021.

ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)
UDK 502/504
UDK 58


Stručni rad (professional paper)


Perivoj i vegetacija Vile Čingrija na Boninovu – opservacije terenske nastave treće godine diplomskog studija Povijest Jadrana i Mediterana

The Park and vegetation of Villa Čingrija at Boninovo area – observations from the field teaching of the third year of the graduate study History of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean

Str./Pp. 75–88


Mara Marić


Stručni rad ima za cilj prezentirati jedan dio terenske nastavne jedinice u okviru kolegija "Povijesni vrtovi Mediterana" na Studiju Povijesti Jadrana i Mediterana Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku. Nastavna jedinica ima za cilj prikazati perivojna ostvarenja u razdoblju s prijelaza iz 19. u 20. stoljeće odnosno u prvim desetljećima 20. stoljeća. Naglasak je na iščitavanju povijesnih, stilskih i hortikulturnih značajki lokacije. Vila Čingrija izgrađena početkom 20. stoljeća nalazi se na rubnom uzobalnom dijelu povijesne vrtne zone Pile – Boninovo. Na širem potezu ove zone, u razdoblju renesanse, počinju se u pravilnom rasteru, unutar mreža glavnih prilaznih i okomitih sporednih komunikacija, oblikovati tzv. insule (čestice parcela). Unutar insula se oblikuju prigradski ljetnikovci s vrtovima. U istom uzorku i na tragu dubrovačke ladanjske, rezidencijalne arhitekture u tom prostoru se gradi sve do kraja 19. i u prvoj polovici 20. stoljeća. Lokacija vile s perivojem nalazi se na prostoru izrazite ambijentalne vrijednosti, na strmim terasama na kojima do 10. stoljeća nije bilo gradnje. U vegetacijskome smislu, kao i čitav Dubrovnik, prostor pripada eumediteranskom, vazdazelenom području sveze Quercion ilicis i asocijacije Orno-Quercetum ilicis. Tijekom gradnje vile, u skladu sa tadašnjim florističkim trendovima, zasađen je veliki broj alohtonih tj. za ono vrijeme egzotičnih biljaka. Do danas su ostale očuvane one, koje su se dobro prilagodile pedoklimatskim uvjetima, s obzirom da je perivoj vile tijekom više desetljeća bio zapušten. U tijeku je izrada projektne dokumentacije obnove perivoja i vile za potrebe Regionalnog centra kompetentnosti u turizmu, koji je u tim prostorima planiran. Rad jer napisan temeljem podataka iz Elaborata obnove perivoja vile Čingrija, te na temelju terenskog izvida sa studentima.

Ključne riječi: studentska terenska nastava, vrtno pregrađe Pile – Boninovo, perivoj Vile Čingrija.


The aim of this paper is to present a part of the field teaching unit within the course entitled Historical Gardens of the Mediterranean at the Study Program in History of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean at the University of Dubrovnik. The teaching unit aimed to present the park achievements in the period from the end of 19th up to the first decades of the 20th century. The emphasis is placed on reading the historical, stylistic and horticultural features of the site. Villa Čingrija, built at the beginning of the 20th century, is located on the edge of the coastal part of the historic garden zone Pile - Boninovo. On a wider stretch of this zone, the so-called "insula" (parcel particles) is positioned in the Renaissance period in a regular grid within the networks of the main and vertical side communications. The suburban summer houses with gardens are being formed inside the insula. In the same pattern and on the trail of the Dubrovnik region , the residential architecture in the area was built until the end of the 19th and in the first half of the 20th century. The location of the villa within the park is in an area of distinct ambiental value, on the steep terraces on which there was no construction in the past. In terms of vegetation, like in the whole of the Dubrovnik region, the zone belongs to the eu-Mediterranean evergreen area, i.e., to the Quercion ilicis-zone, the sub-zone Orno-Quercetum ilicis. During the construction of the villa, in accordance with the floristic trends of the time, a large number of allochthonous plants were planted, i.e., the exotic plants at that time. To this day, those that have adapted well to pedoclimatic conditions have been preserved, as the villa's park has been neglected for decades. The project documentation for the restoration of the park is being prepared for the needs of the Regional Center of Competence in Tourism, which was planned in these area.

Key words: Student Field Class, Garden Suburb Pile – Boninovo, the Garden of Villa Čingrija.




Marić, M. (2021). Perivoj i vegetacija Vile Čingrija na Boninovu – opservacije terenske nastave treće godine diplomskog studija Povijest Jadrana i Mediterana. Glasilo Future, 4(1), 75–88.
Marić, M. (2021). The Park and vegetation of Villa Čingrija at Boninovo area – observations from the field teaching of the third year of the graduate study History of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean. Glasilo Future, 4(1), 75–88.

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