Mirna Koloper, Nikolina Gaćina

Glasilo Future Volumen 7 broj 1 svibanj 2024. / Gazette Future Volume 7 number 1 May 2024

Objavljeno 31. svibnja 2024. godine. / Published on May 31, 2024.


ISSN 2623-6575 (Online)
UDK 63


Stručni rad (professional paper)


Klice i mikrozelenje – novi trendovi u prehrani

Sprouts and microgreens – new trends in nutrition

Str./Pp. 48–56


Mirna Koloper, Nikolina Gaćina


Klice i mikrozelenje su namirnice visoke nutritivne gustoće koje posljednjih godina postaju sve popularnije, i u prehrambenoj industriji i u ugostiteljstvu. Karakterizira ih praktičan i brz uzgoj, održivost proizvodnje, visoka nutritivna vrijednost i mogućnost raznovrsne primjene. Klice predstavljaju najraniju fazu rasta biljaka, razvijaju se brzo i postaju jestive unutar nekoliko dana. Izrazito su bogate hranjivim tvarima, uključujući vitamine, minerale i antioksidanse, te često se koriste kao dodatak salatama, sendvičima ili drugim jelima. Njihov nježan i hrskav okus je blag i ugodan. S druge strane, mikrozelenje su biljke u fazi rasta između klica i potpuno razvijenih biljaka, što obično traje od nekoliko dana do nekoliko tjedana, ovisno o vrsti. Mikrozelenje također predstavljaju visoko nutritivnu namirnicu, ali imaju intenzivniji okus od klica te dolaze u atraktivnim bojama. Često se koriste kao ukras ili dodatak različitim jelima. Osim što se mogu uzgajati kod kuće ili u malim prostorima, zahtijevaju minimalne resurse i brigu, te predstavljaju ekološki prihvatljiv način uzgoja bilja. Budući da su često hranjivije od neproklijalog sjemena i zrelih biljaka, te donose svježinu i raznolikost prehrani, postale su omiljeni dodatak jelima širom svijeta.

Ključne riječi: klice, mikrozelenje, prirodna funkcionalna hrana, blagotvoran utjecaj na zdravlje čovjeka, nutritivna vrijednost.


Sprouts and microgreens are foods with a high nutritional density that have become increasingly popular in recent years, both in the food and hospitality industry. They are characterized by practical and quick cultivation, sustainability of production, high nutritional value, and the possibility of various applications. Sprouts represent the earliest stage of plant growth. They develop quickly and become edible within a few days. They are extremely rich in nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and are often used as an addition to salads, sandwiches, or other dishes. Their delicate and crunchy taste is mild and pleasant. Microgreens, on the other hand, are plants in the growth stage between sprouts and fully grown plants, which usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the species. Microgreens are also highly nutritious but have a more intense taste than sprouts and come in attractive colors. They are often used as a decoration or addition to different dishes. Besides the fact that they can be grown at home or in small spaces, they require minimal resources and care and are an environmentally friendly way of growing herbs. Since they are often more nutritious than ungerminated seeds and mature plants and bring freshness and variety to the diet, they have become a favorite addition to dishes worldwide.

Key words: sprouts, microgreens, natural functional food, beneficial effect on human health, nutritive value.




Koloper, M., Gaćina, N. (2024). Klice i mikrozelenje – novi trendovi u prehrani. Glasilo Future, 7(1), 48–56.
Koloper, M., Gaćina, N. (2024). Sprouts and microgreens – new trends in nutrition. Glasilo Future, 7(1), 48–56.